Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Trusting God in the Storm

I have a small child that is terrified of storms.  I mean terrified.  She get anxious whenever she hears there is rain in the forecast.  If there is a watch or warning for thunderstorms or tornados she starts crying almost instantly.  Now you must know this is my most spunky and strong willed child of the bunch.  She is not timid or afraid of anything else.  But storms, that brings her to tears.  

Yesterday we were driving to the airport to fly home after a weekend with Grammy and the radio broadcaster gave the forecast and it included scattered storms.  I changed the channel as quick as I could knowing this could cause anxiety for her.  I thought I avoided it expertly.  Thirty minutes later she announces," I don't see any clouds and the sun is out so it must be behind us, right mom?"  I reminded her that no matter what the sky looks like, God is always in control and we can trust Him.  She stared out the window quietly.  A few miles down the road the clouds began to appear, the rain drops started to fall.... She noticed the first drop.  She said, "I see a drop!  I hope they don't cancel our flight!"  

Haven't we all done this? We are happy and care free one moment then at the thought, just the thought of an upcoming storm we start with worry and anxiety.  We watch out the window for impending doom and then at the first drop of rain we cry the sky is falling?  I waited until we were under a very large grey cloud and told her this:

"Sweetie, true faith is knowing that as I'm driving through this storm cloud God has me in His hand.  He loves me, wants what's best for me and I can trust Him.  Real faith in God means I trust Him no matter what the sky looks like.  I don't need the sun to be shining to think it is going to be okay.  It's going to be okay, because I'm a child of God and He is in control."

It's a good reminder for us we turn on our TV or watch our Facebook feeds blow up with "storms"out there.  Have faith! Trust God no matter what the sky looks like!

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