Thursday, May 9, 2013

Less than 2 weeks update.

Every day that goes by gets me one step closer to my spine reconstruction surgery.  This time last year I was a basket case!  I was preparing for a similar surgery, but at a different hospital and different surgical team.  It felt so much scarier.  I didn't have peace, but felt like I was out of options.  

We prayed for God to open and close doors.  I went in for my pre-op consult and the surgeon said 'No!'  He thought I was too high risk and took me off the surgical calendar.  I drove home in rush hour traffic in tears. 

Back at square one and in terrible pain we started the process all over again in January, this time it all felt right.  From the moment I met the new surgeon and team, I had complete peace.  Today as I walked and toured the facility where my surgery is scheduled in less than 2 weeks, I had at least 3 different moments of serious déjà vu!  Each time I stopped and thanked God quietly.  He was telling me I'm on the right path.  

Dr. Dewald's assistant stopped halfway through my appointment, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Wow, you're ready aren't you?"  

This is my front view X-ray.  They plan on going in from the bottom up to vertebrae 4.  That is most of my spinal cord.  They are going to remove the bottom hooks from the current rod, add 2 more rods, put in support mesh, pins, and screws.  There are several other steps involved with cutting away bone, splitting previous fusion and inserting wedges.  In my last appointment they were considering a 2 stage, posterior and anterior, (front-back surgeries) but they have decided to go in from the back only this time because there is so much to do as it is and we are already looking at a 8-12 hour surgery.

If you look at this side view, the yellow vertical line should be through the center of my body.  (Your head should be square between your feet when you stand). As you can easily see, I'm not!  

I'm ready for the healing to begin, I'm ready to be straighter, stronger and able to run, play, and enjoy my kids more.  I'm ready to reverse the clock a little.  I have peace.  I'm ready.  

So here we's time!

'In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight.'  Proverbs 3:6

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