Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Cleaning Toilets Builds Character....

I have been trying hard to teach Gabe (almost 6) and Shelby (almost 4) to play nicely.  When other kids are over they do just fine, but when the two of them are alone they are constantly hitting each other on the head with a matchbox car.  I have tried everything to get them to stop.  I sit next to them as they play and as soon as I leave the room.....WHACK!!!  Well, today it happened again, this time it was Gabe and I had just warned him NOT TO HIT HIS SISTER!  

First I sent him to his room so I could decide the punishment.  As I was walking through his bathroom a light bulb went off in my head.  I brought him into the bathroom, handed him a rag and spray bottle and showed him the dirty toilet. 

I explained to him that when we disobey or hurt someone it is sin.  Sin makes us dirty just like his toilet.  I had him clean off the lid, under the lid, and around the seat....YUCK!!!  He was quite disgusted.   I explained to him that that is how God feels about our sin and wants us to be clean. 

 After we had a sparkling clean toilet I took Gabe to Shelby to say "Sorry."  Then we returned to his room to pray. 
It went like this, "Sorry God for hitting my sister.  Please forgive me.  Thank You for forgiving me.  Thank You for making me clean again."  I gave Gabe a great big hug and wiped away his tears.  Then as I left I reminded him to STAY CLEAN!!!!  I hope it doesn't happen again, but if it does I have 3 more toilets.....come to think of it this example would work with dishes, laundry, trash, etc.

"Have mercy on me, O God,
according to your unfailing love;
according to your great compassion
blot out my transgressions.
Wash away all my iniquity
and cleanse me from my sin."
Psalm 51:1-2

(Oh and by the way, the pictures on this blog are NOT mine.  Our toilet wasn't THAT bad!  And I put some funny and clean potty humor pics below.  Enjoy!)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The 'Mystery' squash...

It was a quiet morning.  Babies were up and then back down before the other 5 woke up.  I had about an hour to myself to sit on the deck with my cup of coffee alone with God.  I treasure these moments. 

The wind was still, my world calm and my mind open.  Today as I sat and stared at the garden a very interesting thought popped into my head.  I looked at the half of the garden being taken up by plants that we didn't plant.  We have been watching them for a while now; trying to figure out what they are, and hoping it is something good.  As I stared at the 'mystery plant' it was like the Lord was teaching me that even though something is pretty, or strong, has potential or might be worth keeping that doesn't always mean we should keep it.  By letting something grow with the 'hope' that it will be good or that we might need it someday isn't exactly taking control of the garden.  We should only hold onto what we KNOW to be good.  We must plant seeds intentionally and calculate the benefits versus the costs to make the best use of our resources.  We need to be on the defense and ready to pull out weeds or remove things that compete with what is truly good fruit.

So how does this translate to my life or yours?  Well just as every garden is different this will look different as well.  For me it means I need to declutter the basement, turn off the TV, read good books that help me be a better parent, and spend more time in prayer than on the phone with friends.  It means organizing a home that functions better and requires less attention so I can pour that precious time back into my kids and husband. 

What does it mean for you?  Can you relate?

(oh and I did a quick search on the Internet and it appears that it is a 'mystery squash'.  It has over a hundred blooms on it and considering I am the only one that eats squash if we leave it what in the world would I do with 100 squash????)

1 Corinthians 10:23  “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.
Matthew 13:23,  "But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."

Luke 8:14-16, "The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.  But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop."

Monday, July 4, 2011

"Let Freedom Ring!"

Happy Independence Day everyone!  It isn't exactly how I pictured it: long weekend, BBQs, fireworks, parades, and iced tea.  Instead it was more like stuffy head, sleep for 2 days, urgent care, and hot tea!

The kids all came down with a cold this week (one by one) and I got it somewhere between # 2 and #3 and kept it long after #7 was done.  Mine wasn't 24 hrs., it has lasted almost 6 days and now is a sinus infection.  Bummer....I NEVER get sick....well almost never anyway. 

So the family is off enjoying the picnics and fireworks while I sit here disinfecting the house and reflect on what Independence Day means to me.  It of course means our freedom in America from British rule long ago.  It also means we are free as a country as we move through to the future.  I am so thankful for our corporate freedom that so many have bravely fought for and defend still today.  I am also thankful for my individual freedom from God to become the woman He wants me to become.  And feel especially blessed to be given the husband and children that help me get there.  (That husband of mine is one incredible daddy.  Let me tell you something....we make one heck of a team!

Two weeks ago we celebrated "Gotcha Day", a day adoptive families celebrate the finalization of their children's adoption.  We decided to do something completely different from our other family celebrations to make Micah and Mariah's day set apart.  So we went to eat Japanese Hibachi.  I always wanted to take the kids there and the chef did NOT disappoint, but had us all cracking up the entire time.  We were about 2 hours into our 3 hour meal when Shelby inhaled a piece of rice and it stuck in her windpipe.  She coughed and coughed until she dislodged it.   Then, she looked up to me with tears in her eyes and said, "Oh mommy, I think I peed!"  I checked her dress and sure enough she was dripping!  I rushed her to the bathroom where I realized that her resisting me to go potty in between those 2 adult Sprites had just caught up to the both of us.  (And it wasn't pretty!)  She had completely soaked her party dress and usually I would have had 2 changes of clothes for my child guessed it....I didn't have one this special day. 

I stood there staring at my butt naked child in the bathroom stall.  I had no options.  None!  I paced in circles.....I had NOTHING for her!  I told her to lock the stall door and not to open it and I would be right back.  I summoned her Daddy and somehow in our made-up-secret 'Team Chinlund' sign language communicated to him that Shelby was butt naked in the bathroom and he flew out the door to the nearest Toys R Us to buy her something to wear!  I waited with her until SUPERDADDY returned.  I opened the bag to find not one but two beautiful pink dresses and a package of princess panties! 

As I was getting her dressed I made sure she knew HE was the nicer of her parents, because I might have been tempted to get her something blue and not so cute....but not her Daddy....he is really the sweetest man on the face of this earth! 

We returned from the bathroom, joined our party and finished our dinner.  I was telling this story to a good friend just today and you know what?  It really was a great dinner!  Even with the crazy, unexpected, uhhhhh....glitch.  I thank God for my darling husband Michael.  He helps me to be the best that I can be and together we really are a great team.

(notice the new dress :)

So here is to the fireworks and smores and to all the Superdaddies that are grilling those hot dogs!  ....and God Bless America!!!