Sunday, April 25, 2010

Get Over Yourself!

The other day my thirteen year old, Briana had a weird moment. She got out of bed quickly and went to brush her hair in the mirror. After brushing her beautiful long thick hair she passed out for a few seconds! It really freaked out her sister who happened to walk by and see it. They came and told me and I, of course checked her over and she was fine. She was actually laughing about it and felt pretty silly. It did worry me a bit so we called Grandma for expert medical advice. She assured me that it happens to people occasionally when they get up to fast. She also said that when you put your arms up all the blood rushes from your head to your hands and can cause you to pass out.

So, I was in church today and was praying when I felt God bring that experience back to my mind. It was like He was showing me how when we lift our hands in worship it is an act of surrender to the Lord. Just like what happened to Briana, raising our hands in worship empties our head of ourselves so we can focus on Him! We don't check out mentally, but we empty our minds of ourselves and focus on the great glorious God who loves us so much! So next time you feel the urge to raise your hands to the Lord, don't fight it! Empty yourself to be filled to overflowing with Him!

Psalm 63:4 "I will praise you as long as I live, and in your name I will lift up my hands."

Psalm 134:2 "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD."

1 Tim 2:8 "I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Shelby's Splinter

I am never ceased to be amazed at my children and God's ability to teach me daily lessons through them! The weather has finally warmed up here in NW Illinois and my kids (thanks to their mama's Southern blood) love to run around shoeless! Inevitably that provides the perfect opportunity for splinters to embed in their little feet and hands.

Shelby has a splinter and has been walking around on her tip toe for a week now. Every time I go near it she screams and pulls her foot behind her. She wants to show it to me, she likes to complain about it, she tells everyone she meets about it, lets me put on a Dora band aid, but when it comes time to help her remove it she refuses to let me near. I could force her to let me take it out. I thought about enlisting a large sibling to hold her tight while I dig it out, but I decided to wait and see what happens. Everyday I build a little more trust and tell her I want to help her. Everyday I soak her in the tub hoping to loosen and soften the skin around it. And then I wait.....

So do YOU have a splinter like Shelby? Something you are carrying or tiptoeing around? A hurt that you feel each time you take a step. Do you have a pain you are sharing with your family or friends, but every time someone tries to get close or help you retreat? God wants to help you, but He won't force you. He is patiently waiting, watching you soak, building your trust, and is ready to remove the source of your pain and heal you. Don't wait until it is infected and oozing, let Him near and let the healing begin.

Gotta go, Shelby is ready to get out of the tub. Maybe today is the day!

"He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." Psalm 147:3