Monday, December 9, 2013

A night like no other....

Pardon the blurry photo, but I just had to share.  I was driving this stretch of road on Saturday night.  This picture was taken at the Illinois-Wisconsin border.  Last Saturday was a freezing cold December night and it was dark.  It reminded me of three years ago when I was driving home from the NICU with very precious cargo in the car on this same road.  We had been released from the hospital with one healthy baby and the other was to follow in three days.  The entire experience of adopting the twins was a whirlwind for us.  We had suffered 5 miscarriages of our own and after the last one, decided to look into adoption.  Right away we were miraculously matched with Micah and Mariah's birth mother.  She gave birth a quick 3 weeks later and here I was leaving the hospital with them, (only 6 wks post partum myself.) As I drove this stretch of road I cried tears of joy and as I crossed the state line. I let out a huge breath.  A sigh of relieve and peace overcame me.  It really did happen, God kept his promise.  For 10 years I had prayed for a large family.  God kept asking me to trust Him.  It was easy when I gave birth to a healthy child, hard when I lost an unborn one.  Everyday I stared at this picture on my bathroom wall. 

Everyday I reminded God of my desire.  Finally, here I was driving home with my tiny twin bundle, a double portioned gift straight from God above.  Our family was finally complete with seven darling children.  

I'll never forget that moment of driving home with Mariah.  I'll always treasure that memory in my heart.  Christmas is a special time of the year for us, 2010 we were given an amazing gift.  Here we are in 2013, and I'm still so very thankful.

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