Tonight was one of those nights! Actually the last week has just been one of those weeks. It all started with Lindsey being sick. Every one's schedule has gotten off and several snow days in a row hasn't helped realign the train that has been derailed at our house! Tonight I was letting the kids stay up to see Daddy who was coming home late due to iced roads. By the time he got home the slap happy gene kicked in and we had kids bouncing off the walls.
I finally convinced Shelby that it was bedtime and she followed me with jello legs and alligator arms. I put on her jammies and set her in my lap for our routine cuddle in the rocking chair. She refused to lay her head on my chest and every time she lifted it up to talk to me I stopped rocking her. Look up, no rocking, rocking....she'd looked up....I'd went on and on without a word being spoken. Finally, I started laughing because it was so silly. The only rocking that was really going on was Shelby's head going up and down. I never spoke. but just stopped rocking her (which is her favorite thing at bedtime). She finally decided to rest in my arms after a bit of sweet strong will. She snuggled in and closed her eyes and is now fast asleep for the night.
As I was holding her I thought about what true security and freedom really are. We have a need to know that we are safe and sound before peace can settle into our hearts ushering in much needed rest. Many times the only way we feel secure is by testing the boundaries making sure, for sure, for really-really sure that they will not change.
That is a picture of security. Being able to count on something over and over, knowing that it will not change. When we feel secure we are truly free. Freedom does not exist in a world without boundaries. Freedom exists somewhere between wild abandon and you can't do anything at all. Both ends of that spectrum make you a slave to the world or selfishness. Freedom, truly being free, comes by nestling in the Lord's arms and finding peaceful rest.
"My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him." Psalm 62:1
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
Measuring a Miracle, One Body Jab at a Time!
How exactly do you measure a miracle? Last December I was the one feeling completely defeated and had lost hope. I had severe back pain, was unable to stand for long periods of time, and couldn't hold Shelby for more than a few minutes. Then on Dec 28th of 2008 I received a miraculous healing. I didn't deserve it. I didn't ask for it. I didn't even believe it at first, but here I am one year later and I am still in awe of what God did for me.
I had a conversation with a friend shortly after the healing and she encouraged me to join a gym and to be responsible for the gift of health God had given me back. So in April I did. It was really difficult at first. I struggled to fit workouts in and make the time to go at all. I started setting myself little goals. I made it through some difficult issues (physical strength, emotional, and 2 miscarriages to name a few). I have been watching the classes from afar, but was intimidated. I tried one and I was able to do it, but didn't really enjoy it. I found my little rut and routine and was quite pleased with myself.
My good friend Kristin started challenging me to do some classes with her. I took to the challenge and today we met for the grand-daddy challenge.....BODY COMBAT! The name just scares you. I watch that class from my cushy elliptical and think "Those people are just plain CRAZY!" Well, today was the day....I joined the CRAZY PEOPLE!!! The first few minutes made me want to scream and I seriously thought about throwing one of those jabs at Kristin and telling her to come find me upstairs later! But, my strong willed nature kicked in and I stuck it out. I was thinking it felt a bit like child labor....once it starts there is no turning back. I have to say by the end of the 1 hour and 7 minutes I actually was enjoying it! It felt very empowering. The instructor was a RIOT. She had us pretend to beat up an invisible man. We punched him in the head, nose, chest, gut, and we would pick him up and drag him to the right or left! That is how I feel the enemy does me sometimes. He punches and jabs at me and tries to drag me around like a little rag doll, but not today!!! Today I finished every kick, every punch, and am living in victory! God healed me. He took a broken mess and has restored me. I know I have to participate and cooperate, but I am no longer the one that is bloody and on the floor! Praise you Lord, I can do ANYTHING through You that strengthens me!
I have given my healing testimony several times, but here it is again:
When I was 13 years old I was diagnosed with severe, actually one of the worst cases Shriners Children's Hospital in Tampa had ever seen. They even had my parents sign a release for my records and medical pictures to be published in a medical journal. I have an "S" curve, it was 30-40 degrees on the top and 60-68 degrees on the bottom. After a 9 hour surgery, complete with bone grafts from my pelvis and had a 12" stainless steel Harrington Rod fused to my spinal cord my curve was corrected to 20-30 degrees on top and 48 degrees on the bottom. Not the results I was hoping for, but the doctors said to get more of a correction I would have to be 3 inches taller. At least my spinal cord was stabilized and I would not have to worry about it increasing in curvature. I am now 23 years post op and have had no further treatments. I have been able to have 5 children and a very normal life. Starting in my 20's and 30's I started to notice lower back pain creeping up. I would have spasms in my neck and pain that would come and go, sometimes lasting for weeks. After each child was born I noticed I would start to lean forward while walking or standing. I thought I was just tired or lazy. By my 36th birthday I was in excruciating pain. It hurt to stand at the sink and do dishes, it hurt to lie down on my back in bed and I would often wake up with numbness in my arms and legs. I went to my doctor and we decided to start with 3 months of intense message and physical therapy. At the end of 2 months my physical therapist stopped the therapy and told me she was sorry, but I was as good as I was going to get without surgery. I was crushed. I started looking into surgical options and was working on getting into Rush University Hospital for a new treatment for "Flatback Syndrome" that they are known for. Flatback Syndrome happens to people like me with Harrington Rods at about the 20 year mark. They have to go in and remove all the hardware and rebuild your spinal cord with pins and screws. My husband and I decided it was my only hope for a better quality of life. To see pictures of other patients and their before and afters click here: on December 28th we had a guest pastor preach on healing named Jamie Havens. (Here is the link for that sermon : ) He started by telling us about all the healings and miracles that they have seen on crusades. I was listening, but honestly not taking it to seriously. Then he said that he saw a women healed of scoliosis the week before (go forward to 21:30 minutes) he had my attention. I instantly started arguing with God. "What do you mean you can heal scoliosis. Not mine, it is beyond repair. Well, wait a minute, I know you can do anything. God do you want to heal me? Is this my moment?" I started to sweat and my heart was racing. I was scared out of my mind. Pastor Jamie asked us to stand up and put our hand on whatever area needed healing (see minute 25:20). So I did, but I was still in unbelief. I was trembling, afraid of the rejection that God may not do it for me. We sat back down and I started checking my body. I instantly noticed that I could feel the entire back of the chair. When I sat in a chair I could only feel the left side, because my spine protruded sticking out on that side. I started shaking, I knew something was different, but I couldn't believe it. I wanted to run out of the church and check my back in the bathroom. I was still not sure if what I thought just happened had really just happened. I waited until the service was over and then I went up to Pastor Jamie and his wife and had individual prayer. By then I was ready and was trusting God for a miracle. I did run out of the church and into the ladies bathroom where I whipped off my sweater and was looking at my back from all different angles. I couldn't tell if I was really healed or not. I walked out to get my coat and 2 of my close friends came running up with tears in their eyes and said, you look awesome. You are not leaning forward at ALL!!!! I played if off and said, "We'll see." I picked up my baby and put her on my hip, something that just the day before I was unable to do, and I knew. God Healed me. I had watched her at my feet crying the day before and I had started crying as well, because I just couldn't hold her and cook dinner at the same time. I made dinner for my family with her between my feet crying mama. Now here I was 24 hours later and I could hold her with no problem and was pain free. I spent the next week staring at myself in mirrors. I had my daughters take pictures of me standing when I wasn't looking to see if they could catch me leaning forward. The last time I did that my daughter handed me the camera and said, "Sorry Mom, but you are straight!" I visited family and friends to check me over and everyone agreed it was a miracle. It has been 6 months and I am still doing great. I do not lean forward anymore. I even had a chest x-ray a few weeks ago and the doctor and radiologist went on and on at how awesome, fantastic, and wonderful I was doing for my condition and years post op. The doctor actually couldn't believe it and kept pushing me to tell him I was in pain, when I am not! I told them the reason for my healing. One believes me, the other does not. Where will you fit in? Will you trust God for your miracle?
I had a conversation with a friend shortly after the healing and she encouraged me to join a gym and to be responsible for the gift of health God had given me back. So in April I did. It was really difficult at first. I struggled to fit workouts in and make the time to go at all. I started setting myself little goals. I made it through some difficult issues (physical strength, emotional, and 2 miscarriages to name a few). I have been watching the classes from afar, but was intimidated. I tried one and I was able to do it, but didn't really enjoy it. I found my little rut and routine and was quite pleased with myself.
My good friend Kristin started challenging me to do some classes with her. I took to the challenge and today we met for the grand-daddy challenge.....BODY COMBAT! The name just scares you. I watch that class from my cushy elliptical and think "Those people are just plain CRAZY!" Well, today was the day....I joined the CRAZY PEOPLE!!! The first few minutes made me want to scream and I seriously thought about throwing one of those jabs at Kristin and telling her to come find me upstairs later! But, my strong willed nature kicked in and I stuck it out. I was thinking it felt a bit like child labor....once it starts there is no turning back. I have to say by the end of the 1 hour and 7 minutes I actually was enjoying it! It felt very empowering. The instructor was a RIOT. She had us pretend to beat up an invisible man. We punched him in the head, nose, chest, gut, and we would pick him up and drag him to the right or left! That is how I feel the enemy does me sometimes. He punches and jabs at me and tries to drag me around like a little rag doll, but not today!!! Today I finished every kick, every punch, and am living in victory! God healed me. He took a broken mess and has restored me. I know I have to participate and cooperate, but I am no longer the one that is bloody and on the floor! Praise you Lord, I can do ANYTHING through You that strengthens me!
I have given my healing testimony several times, but here it is again:
When I was 13 years old I was diagnosed with severe, actually one of the worst cases Shriners Children's Hospital in Tampa had ever seen. They even had my parents sign a release for my records and medical pictures to be published in a medical journal. I have an "S" curve, it was 30-40 degrees on the top and 60-68 degrees on the bottom. After a 9 hour surgery, complete with bone grafts from my pelvis and had a 12" stainless steel Harrington Rod fused to my spinal cord my curve was corrected to 20-30 degrees on top and 48 degrees on the bottom. Not the results I was hoping for, but the doctors said to get more of a correction I would have to be 3 inches taller. At least my spinal cord was stabilized and I would not have to worry about it increasing in curvature. I am now 23 years post op and have had no further treatments. I have been able to have 5 children and a very normal life. Starting in my 20's and 30's I started to notice lower back pain creeping up. I would have spasms in my neck and pain that would come and go, sometimes lasting for weeks. After each child was born I noticed I would start to lean forward while walking or standing. I thought I was just tired or lazy. By my 36th birthday I was in excruciating pain. It hurt to stand at the sink and do dishes, it hurt to lie down on my back in bed and I would often wake up with numbness in my arms and legs. I went to my doctor and we decided to start with 3 months of intense message and physical therapy. At the end of 2 months my physical therapist stopped the therapy and told me she was sorry, but I was as good as I was going to get without surgery. I was crushed. I started looking into surgical options and was working on getting into Rush University Hospital for a new treatment for "Flatback Syndrome" that they are known for. Flatback Syndrome happens to people like me with Harrington Rods at about the 20 year mark. They have to go in and remove all the hardware and rebuild your spinal cord with pins and screws. My husband and I decided it was my only hope for a better quality of life. To see pictures of other patients and their before and afters click here: on December 28th we had a guest pastor preach on healing named Jamie Havens. (Here is the link for that sermon : ) He started by telling us about all the healings and miracles that they have seen on crusades. I was listening, but honestly not taking it to seriously. Then he said that he saw a women healed of scoliosis the week before (go forward to 21:30 minutes) he had my attention. I instantly started arguing with God. "What do you mean you can heal scoliosis. Not mine, it is beyond repair. Well, wait a minute, I know you can do anything. God do you want to heal me? Is this my moment?" I started to sweat and my heart was racing. I was scared out of my mind. Pastor Jamie asked us to stand up and put our hand on whatever area needed healing (see minute 25:20). So I did, but I was still in unbelief. I was trembling, afraid of the rejection that God may not do it for me. We sat back down and I started checking my body. I instantly noticed that I could feel the entire back of the chair. When I sat in a chair I could only feel the left side, because my spine protruded sticking out on that side. I started shaking, I knew something was different, but I couldn't believe it. I wanted to run out of the church and check my back in the bathroom. I was still not sure if what I thought just happened had really just happened. I waited until the service was over and then I went up to Pastor Jamie and his wife and had individual prayer. By then I was ready and was trusting God for a miracle. I did run out of the church and into the ladies bathroom where I whipped off my sweater and was looking at my back from all different angles. I couldn't tell if I was really healed or not. I walked out to get my coat and 2 of my close friends came running up with tears in their eyes and said, you look awesome. You are not leaning forward at ALL!!!! I played if off and said, "We'll see." I picked up my baby and put her on my hip, something that just the day before I was unable to do, and I knew. God Healed me. I had watched her at my feet crying the day before and I had started crying as well, because I just couldn't hold her and cook dinner at the same time. I made dinner for my family with her between my feet crying mama. Now here I was 24 hours later and I could hold her with no problem and was pain free. I spent the next week staring at myself in mirrors. I had my daughters take pictures of me standing when I wasn't looking to see if they could catch me leaning forward. The last time I did that my daughter handed me the camera and said, "Sorry Mom, but you are straight!" I visited family and friends to check me over and everyone agreed it was a miracle. It has been 6 months and I am still doing great. I do not lean forward anymore. I even had a chest x-ray a few weeks ago and the doctor and radiologist went on and on at how awesome, fantastic, and wonderful I was doing for my condition and years post op. The doctor actually couldn't believe it and kept pushing me to tell him I was in pain, when I am not! I told them the reason for my healing. One believes me, the other does not. Where will you fit in? Will you trust God for your miracle?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Chicken a'la King
leftover chicken or turkey, chopped
1 can of cream of chicken soup (family size for us)
3/4 of the soup can full of milk
1 - 12oz. package of frozen mixed vegetables
Warm up the chicken/turkey in an iron skillet, add the soup, milk, and mixed vegetables. When it is warm all the way through you can eat over noodles (or our favorite is to make homemade biscuits and spoon the batter on top).
Homemade biscuits
Mix together:
1 cup all purpose flour
2 cups wheat flour
4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. cream of tarter
1/2 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 cup melted butter
1-1/2 cups milk.
Spoon on top of the Chicken a'la King and bake at 425 for 25 minutes or until golden brown. Nothings better than a one dish meal that makes your hubby happy! Enjoy!
Monday, November 16, 2009
My's like a scene from "Airplane".....
Rumack: What was it we had for dinner tonight?
Elaine Dickinson: Well, we had a choice of steak or fish.
Rumack: Yes, yes, I remember, I had lasagna.
This is the scene that was played out on my couch last night. Mike was enjoying poking fun at me and remembering a cheesy (but humorous) movie from our youth. We laughed and laughed at my expense. It was funny, because it is true. I have a feeling I will be hearing these lines for a very long time!
Yesterday after church I sat down to plan for our week. I got out my calendar and organized everyone's schedules, began deciding on meals, and making my lists. I had already chosen all the meals and afterwards I asked Mike, "Do you have any requests? Anything in particular sound good to you for this week?"
*As a side note, the reason why I did the list first is because he hardly ever has a suggestion or opinion on what we eat. I am left with the challenge to make a variety of meals that pleases everyone and still ends up healthy and balanced. Okay....with that being said I can now present the rest of the story :)
He said, "I would like a casserole." Then he said, "Yeah a casserole like tuna noodle, or your best is Chicken a'la King."
So I say, "Okay...okay. That sounds good."
I should be flattered, but this is what I hear in my head, "I already made the list and it will satisfy all my picky eaters and the only place I could put a casserole is on Mon. where I have chili which will be a pot big enough to feed us and the Korczak's. Oh, that means I can invite them over after the volleyball game...and it is dairy free for Riley. Okay, got it all figured out!" So I ask him "How about chili?" To which he answers, "I like your chili, but I LOVE Chicken A'la King."
"Okay." I say, "Chili it is!" He was cracking up all night and kept poking me and rewinding the tape on my words. Mike was quoting Airplane and pointing to my list! He really got a kick out of it, and I was less than amused! I went and did my shopping, (Guess what? I bought all the ingredients for my chili and no tuna, no chicken, no a'la King anything!)
After the kids went to bed we sat on the couch and were talking. Of course it came up again! We were cracking up at the absurdity of the scene and I finally understood the real problem. Mike is the leader of our house, and I, at times refuse to submit. Oh no, I said it...Yeah, you heard me! That dirty little "S" word. Submission is my greatest challenge. I am as bad at it as you can get. Don't get me wrong, I can do it whenever I want. The problem is I do it whenever I want! We talked about it. I told him I was sorry and I would try to work on submitting. He teased me some more about my issue with submitting to authority and said to me, "This isn't a new revelation, Shelli!"
After 15 years of marriage surely I would know a thing or two about submission! SURELY...and my name isn't Shirley!!! Truth be told, I know only what I want to about submission and I am the proud poster child of the Strong Willed Woman! So I woke up this morning with a desire to seek God's heart on submission and I went straight to His word.
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission." 1 Tim 2:11 The King James uses the word subjection. It is "hupotage" and means the act of subjecting or obedience.
Colossions 3:18 tells wives to submit to their husbands and husbands to love and be kind to their wives.
Ephesians 5:22-33 paints a beautiful picture of the marriage between man and woman as it reflects the relationship between Christ and the church, His bride. "Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything." (Eph 25:22-24) **
**It is important to understand that this doesn't mean sin. This passage is describing a marriage being like the church's relationship with Christ, and as a wife is to her husband. That would mean we are to follow our husband's leadership and authority as it pertains to godliness. If your husband is leading you into sin (i.e.-sexual or immoral) you are not required to submit to that.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church - for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Eph 5:25-33
I noticed something in the order of the commands. The wife was instructed first to subjection, submission, or reverence to the husband. If we fail on the first point the rest is in jeopardy. Next, the husband is told how to relate to the wife. I would like to suggest that they are connected and dependant on one another. As a wife when you show respect and follow the leadership of your husband he will naturally show you love and kindness and will actually step up and lead. Also, your kids will see the example of subjection and will follow and obey you both. Then this passage ends with a final, "you must" to both husband and wife. You must is what signals to us that they are dependant on one another, required if you will.
Planning out a week's worth of meals may seem trivial, but my refusal to hear Mike's request or even consider his opinion was a symptom to a much bigger issue, submission. I am not exactly sure of how this will play out in the next few months, but I am going to take a good hard look and stare submission square in the face! I may not know what it does look like, but I do know what it doesn't look like. It is not cruel or selfish. Submitting to your husband does not mean you have no say or are unable to speak up. It does not mean that you are a doormat or are unequal in his or God's eyes. But, it does means that when I ask, "What do you want for dinner?" I will respect the answer. Should be an interesting journey! I know Mike is excited at the prospect!
Excuse me.....I have to go pull my Chicken, for the a'la King, out of the oven.
Elaine Dickinson: Well, we had a choice of steak or fish.
Rumack: Yes, yes, I remember, I had lasagna.
This is the scene that was played out on my couch last night. Mike was enjoying poking fun at me and remembering a cheesy (but humorous) movie from our youth. We laughed and laughed at my expense. It was funny, because it is true. I have a feeling I will be hearing these lines for a very long time!
Yesterday after church I sat down to plan for our week. I got out my calendar and organized everyone's schedules, began deciding on meals, and making my lists. I had already chosen all the meals and afterwards I asked Mike, "Do you have any requests? Anything in particular sound good to you for this week?"
*As a side note, the reason why I did the list first is because he hardly ever has a suggestion or opinion on what we eat. I am left with the challenge to make a variety of meals that pleases everyone and still ends up healthy and balanced. Okay....with that being said I can now present the rest of the story :)
He said, "I would like a casserole." Then he said, "Yeah a casserole like tuna noodle, or your best is Chicken a'la King."
So I say, "Okay...okay. That sounds good."
I should be flattered, but this is what I hear in my head, "I already made the list and it will satisfy all my picky eaters and the only place I could put a casserole is on Mon. where I have chili which will be a pot big enough to feed us and the Korczak's. Oh, that means I can invite them over after the volleyball game...and it is dairy free for Riley. Okay, got it all figured out!" So I ask him "How about chili?" To which he answers, "I like your chili, but I LOVE Chicken A'la King."
"Okay." I say, "Chili it is!" He was cracking up all night and kept poking me and rewinding the tape on my words. Mike was quoting Airplane and pointing to my list! He really got a kick out of it, and I was less than amused! I went and did my shopping, (Guess what? I bought all the ingredients for my chili and no tuna, no chicken, no a'la King anything!)
After the kids went to bed we sat on the couch and were talking. Of course it came up again! We were cracking up at the absurdity of the scene and I finally understood the real problem. Mike is the leader of our house, and I, at times refuse to submit. Oh no, I said it...Yeah, you heard me! That dirty little "S" word. Submission is my greatest challenge. I am as bad at it as you can get. Don't get me wrong, I can do it whenever I want. The problem is I do it whenever I want! We talked about it. I told him I was sorry and I would try to work on submitting. He teased me some more about my issue with submitting to authority and said to me, "This isn't a new revelation, Shelli!"
After 15 years of marriage surely I would know a thing or two about submission! SURELY...and my name isn't Shirley!!! Truth be told, I know only what I want to about submission and I am the proud poster child of the Strong Willed Woman! So I woke up this morning with a desire to seek God's heart on submission and I went straight to His word.
"A woman should learn in quietness and full submission." 1 Tim 2:11 The King James uses the word subjection. It is "hupotage" and means the act of subjecting or obedience.
Colossions 3:18 tells wives to submit to their husbands and husbands to love and be kind to their wives.
Ephesians 5:22-33 paints a beautiful picture of the marriage between man and woman as it reflects the relationship between Christ and the church, His bride. "Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything." (Eph 25:22-24) **
**It is important to understand that this doesn't mean sin. This passage is describing a marriage being like the church's relationship with Christ, and as a wife is to her husband. That would mean we are to follow our husband's leadership and authority as it pertains to godliness. If your husband is leading you into sin (i.e.-sexual or immoral) you are not required to submit to that.
"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church - for we are members of his body. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This is a profound mystery - but I am talking about Christ and the church. However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband." Eph 5:25-33
I noticed something in the order of the commands. The wife was instructed first to subjection, submission, or reverence to the husband. If we fail on the first point the rest is in jeopardy. Next, the husband is told how to relate to the wife. I would like to suggest that they are connected and dependant on one another. As a wife when you show respect and follow the leadership of your husband he will naturally show you love and kindness and will actually step up and lead. Also, your kids will see the example of subjection and will follow and obey you both. Then this passage ends with a final, "you must" to both husband and wife. You must is what signals to us that they are dependant on one another, required if you will.
Planning out a week's worth of meals may seem trivial, but my refusal to hear Mike's request or even consider his opinion was a symptom to a much bigger issue, submission. I am not exactly sure of how this will play out in the next few months, but I am going to take a good hard look and stare submission square in the face! I may not know what it does look like, but I do know what it doesn't look like. It is not cruel or selfish. Submitting to your husband does not mean you have no say or are unable to speak up. It does not mean that you are a doormat or are unequal in his or God's eyes. But, it does means that when I ask, "What do you want for dinner?" I will respect the answer. Should be an interesting journey! I know Mike is excited at the prospect!
Excuse me.....I have to go pull my Chicken, for the a'la King, out of the oven.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
If you bought an IPOD today....what color would you choose?
What color of are you? Come on....everyone has a favorite color. You know you do it! When we were in NY last month I noticed it on the subway. Everyone has a color theme. Even guys!!!! There was a woman who had a purple ipod, purple boots, and purple leather purse. There was a guy waiting for the next train with a green backpack, ipod, and jacket. Everyone who knows me knows I am a pink girl! I have pink everything....except the Mary Kay car, although honestly I would if I could! Even my digital camera is pink, sorry Mike! The point is we all tend to go toward a color we indentify as ourselves. It is quite normal I promise.
Today in my Scripture study time I noticed something in Hosea 11:4, "I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love"(NIV). HUMAN kindness. That is huge. God leads His people back through His kindness demonstrated by humans. So, I did a word study on the word "human". Guess what it means? Human. God is so clear isn't He! Here is how the phrases in Hosea 11:4 are translated in other versions:
1. "I led them"- God drew, led, draw's
2. "with cords of human"- man, mankind, human
3. "human kindness"- gentleness, goodness
4. "with ties of love"- bonds of love, ropes of kindness, bands of love, thick cords of love
Hosea 11:4 weaves a beautiful picture for us. God is the One who knits us in our mother's womb (Psalm 139). He does so carefully and thoughtfully. We are each a part of a bigger picture. He uses each thread to compose a beautiful blanket of love for all mankind. I am one of many pink threads in the world that God uses to draw others to Himself. Each time I allow God to pour out His kindness or gentleness into a person he pulls the tapestry tighter forming a bit more of the picture.
For any of you that have ever cross stitched you know that each stitch is not so great by itself, but after a few hundred of them, in different shades, the X's reveal a gorgeous picture for the eye to behold. I think someday when we are allowed to see the entire work we will stand back and be amazed at the view.
So what color thread are you? Are you allowing God to use you in His quilt made up of kindness, love, and gentleness? If you are fullfilling your help draw others back to the Artist and Creator.
Today in my Scripture study time I noticed something in Hosea 11:4, "I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love"(NIV). HUMAN kindness. That is huge. God leads His people back through His kindness demonstrated by humans. So, I did a word study on the word "human". Guess what it means? Human. God is so clear isn't He! Here is how the phrases in Hosea 11:4 are translated in other versions:
1. "I led them"- God drew, led, draw's
2. "with cords of human"- man, mankind, human
3. "human kindness"- gentleness, goodness
4. "with ties of love"- bonds of love, ropes of kindness, bands of love, thick cords of love
Hosea 11:4 weaves a beautiful picture for us. God is the One who knits us in our mother's womb (Psalm 139). He does so carefully and thoughtfully. We are each a part of a bigger picture. He uses each thread to compose a beautiful blanket of love for all mankind. I am one of many pink threads in the world that God uses to draw others to Himself. Each time I allow God to pour out His kindness or gentleness into a person he pulls the tapestry tighter forming a bit more of the picture.
For any of you that have ever cross stitched you know that each stitch is not so great by itself, but after a few hundred of them, in different shades, the X's reveal a gorgeous picture for the eye to behold. I think someday when we are allowed to see the entire work we will stand back and be amazed at the view.
So what color thread are you? Are you allowing God to use you in His quilt made up of kindness, love, and gentleness? If you are fullfilling your help draw others back to the Artist and Creator.
Friday, October 16, 2009
"True Tales From the Mommyhood"
So today I was running like a chicken with my head cut off, just another day in the life of Shelli. I finished with spelling tests and cleaning the house. The girls were picked up and dropped off from volleyball practice and I was on to picking up pizza and party supplies for Briana's 13th birthday bash. As soon as I pulled into the grocery store parking lot Shelby fell sound asleep. I knew it. Thirteen years of Mommyhood told me that would happen. Why had I not asked one of the girls to come with me? I decided to run and pick up the pizzas and then by the time I got back to the store she would have had a quick nap. So I pulled up to Papa Murphy's, locked the doors, and ran in to pick our order while Shelby slept peacefully in the car. As I walked back up to the car I had a sinking feeling with each step. I noticed that my jacket was much lighter than it should be and as I got up to my driver side window I realized my keys were sitting perfectly placed on the console between the seats. I slowly felt the panic settle in my throat, down to my heart and ending in my stomach. What do I do now? I called Mike and he didn't answer. I knew it was a good 2 hours before he would be back home anyway. I called my good friend Meg and said, "Oh no what do I do?" I felt frozen for a minute, she laughed and said, "You call the police, woman. You have a two year old locked in the car for goodness sakes." Of course, that is what I need to do. I went inside and called the police. So here are a few lessons I learned from this experience:
1. Our tax dollars are hard at work and the Woodstock Police are wonderful, quick, and understanding.
2. If you are going to lock your car, take your keys with you.
3. If you have sleeping child, take them with you.
4. For a professional, opening a locked car takes about 35 seconds, but it feels like hours to a mom.
5. Children can sleep through anything, especially child #5.
6. Mommy guilt can be relieved quickly by a trip to Walmart for candy.
7. Your heart rate can fluctuate drastically with little effort at all.
8. You can sound like a drunk even if you have not had alcohol for a very long time. (I answered to the police officer, "No, no...we did live in England for 3 years." The question was are you still on Greenway Cross?)
9. Trying to fit to many things into 30 minutes usually leave important details out, like where are my keys?
and my favorite lesson of all is #10.....God has perfect timing.
After I finished up with the sweet police officer I took Shelby back to the store to finish our errands and buy her some candy (post mommy stress syndrome). I walked past the toys and ran into a friend that works there. She saw me and instantly started to cry. She shared with me how things had turned badly for her and she felt like she couldn't go on. I stopped right there in Walmart and talked to her, hugged her, and told her how much I loved her and wanted her to keep pressing on. I encouraged her and shared with her what just happened to me. She laughed and thanked me, she asked to pray for ME! Right there in Walmart she laid a hand on my shoulder and asked God to bless me and thanked Him for protecting Shelby today. Afterwards she smiled and told me she felt so much better and she was going to go home and thank God for taking care of her and her circumstances. As I went on to pick up some Coke for the party it hit me that she was the reason for my 45 minute diversion. God really is good, all the time, God is good. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
1. Our tax dollars are hard at work and the Woodstock Police are wonderful, quick, and understanding.
2. If you are going to lock your car, take your keys with you.
3. If you have sleeping child, take them with you.
4. For a professional, opening a locked car takes about 35 seconds, but it feels like hours to a mom.
5. Children can sleep through anything, especially child #5.
6. Mommy guilt can be relieved quickly by a trip to Walmart for candy.
7. Your heart rate can fluctuate drastically with little effort at all.
8. You can sound like a drunk even if you have not had alcohol for a very long time. (I answered to the police officer, "No, no...we did live in England for 3 years." The question was are you still on Greenway Cross?)
9. Trying to fit to many things into 30 minutes usually leave important details out, like where are my keys?
and my favorite lesson of all is #10.....God has perfect timing.
After I finished up with the sweet police officer I took Shelby back to the store to finish our errands and buy her some candy (post mommy stress syndrome). I walked past the toys and ran into a friend that works there. She saw me and instantly started to cry. She shared with me how things had turned badly for her and she felt like she couldn't go on. I stopped right there in Walmart and talked to her, hugged her, and told her how much I loved her and wanted her to keep pressing on. I encouraged her and shared with her what just happened to me. She laughed and thanked me, she asked to pray for ME! Right there in Walmart she laid a hand on my shoulder and asked God to bless me and thanked Him for protecting Shelby today. Afterwards she smiled and told me she felt so much better and she was going to go home and thank God for taking care of her and her circumstances. As I went on to pick up some Coke for the party it hit me that she was the reason for my 45 minute diversion. God really is good, all the time, God is good. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Thursday, October 15, 2009
So I am a slow learner....It only took me 15 years!
I, like every parent, struggle with balancing on the tightrope that is my life. I have had time of complete unbalance and complete failure in this. As we have been blessed with each child and each new challenge (like Mike going to law school or when he was flying out of St. Louis) I have been forced to become more organized. At first organization was my enemy. It fought against my strong willed nature, but as I have slowly let the schedules, planners, and calendars into my life I find that it is really my greatest tool. The strong willed part is calmed with the realization that I am the one filling them out and doing the deciding, so there no reason to get myself breathing into a paper bag.
But that being said, another issue has plagued my now organized life, MOTIVE. I am an acts of service kind of gal, so my motives are almost always others. I sacrifice myself on the alter of daily life in order to show love to the people around me. In March I joined the gym, and not just any gym, the gem of all gyms! I only joined because of the indoor pool and water slide for the kids. See what I did? I changed the reason for the gym from me to them.
I have forced myself to exercise in a different way. I am exercising my mind and trying to change my perspective. After several months of this I am now able to see that I am a better mother when I take care of myself, a better wife, and a happier person all around. I use my time on the elliptical machine to meditate and pray, God has blessed this time EVERYTIME! Now I crave to be there, it is my one hour escape from servant hood and recharge time. I have started getting hour massages every two weeks. Of course, I felt much guilt over this to the point that it was hard to enjoy them, well almost! One day a few weeks ago I was dropping the girls off at skating and then off to my massage when their coach stopped me. She told me how proud of me she was and how her mother never did things for herself. She explained that when she did do something for herself she made an excuse and never acknowledged her worth. (OUCH!!!) Then she told me something even more difficult to hear, she told me that it had a profound impact on the image she held for herself and that she struggles to show her worth in relationships today.
The way I act toward myself is an example to my girls on what kind of mother they will be???? Why hadn't I seen that before? What if their love language isn't acts of service? Will they feel like terrible mothers? What am I teaching my boys about the role of their wives someday? Am I setting an example that the women they choose will not feel comfortable in?
Just as I was beginning to go to the gym for me I had a set back! Everyone wanted to go to the gym but Briana. I wanted her to go for me, but I didn't ask her. Instead I told her that she could go to the pool by with Lindsey and hopefully no one would notice they weren't with a parent. Then they would be happy, I could work out, and I wasn't asking anyone to do it for me. Well I had no sooner sat down to the exercise bike when I heard it, "Shelli Chinlund, please come to the control desk!" My heart sank. I knew I was in trouble! I walked shamefully to the desk passing all my friends that work there. They were looking at me like what are they paging HER for? She is our favorite member, the perfect mother of the year! I apologized to the manager and quickly changed into my suit and took my kids swimming the right way.
I hate when they are right and I am wrong. But God really spoke to my heart on this. When I refuse to see my worth, the worth He sees in me, I am out of balance. I do things with the wrong motives and present myself the wrong way, especially to my children who watch my every move. I am getting better at this everyday. all comes down to balance and sometimes I still feel very uncoordinated!
"Honest scales and balances are from the LORD; all the weights in the bag are of his making." Proverbs 16:11
Monday, September 21, 2009
Baked Oatmeal with Apples
"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
Proverbs 25:11
In a bowl mix:
4 cups milk
3 cups of Oats
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/c cup packed brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
a dash of salt
fold in 2 large cubed apples
Pour into a greased casserole pan. Bake at 375 for 35-40 minutes. Top with whipped cream and enjoy :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
"Happy Birthday to Me...Me...Me!"
Well, I did it! I officially turned 37. For some strange reason it seems much older than 36 did! I have been dreading it for months and the day finally arrived. I awoke to kids singing happy birthday with a candle in my whipped cream and waffle. I rushed off to a meeting a church. I followed that by organizing a delivery of rummage sale items from the Woodstock Boy Scouts and settled on the couch for a quick nap while Mike took the kids to Walmart for my birthday dinner with friends supplies.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, actually it felt very comfortable and calm. Just the way a suburbanite stay at home mommy should spend her birthday. Except for one problem.....I see things from a Biblical perspective! It permeates everything I do, affects my moods, my emotions, and why I breath in and out.
Mike asked me what I wanted to do today and I filled in the details. I wanted to be with my family, I wanted to serve my church, I wanted to help the community, and I wanted to watch "Expelled" with my friends. Why in the world would I want all that? Shouldn't MY birthday be all about ME? If I have learned anything about myself in the last 37 years it is that I am happiest when I think of others first. I am happiest when I serve others, and I learn most when I listen to others and try to understand what their motivations are and what is their hearts.
That is why I wanted to watch "Expelled". I am fascinated and perplexed at why a million people would buy "The God Delusion" and conclude that it is correct. I want to understand what is to gain from a person choosing to reject God and accept the religion of atheism. If I am wrong I have lived a good life, serving others, having purpose, and joy. If the anti-god movement is wrong there is alot more at stake, for future generations....and for all eternity. Not to mention that many of my atheist friends are depressed, living in darkness, addiction, and despair.
There were many things I took from the movie. The freedom of questioning and investigating science is shrinking. That is undeniable. It is one of the reasons we homeschool and one of the reasons we are attacked for it. I teach my children other beliefs on the origin of life, I feel it is very important for them to know why we believe the way we do and to help them answer life's important questions. I have found that when I am not afraid to look I will find more answers than questions.
I also was left with the realization that If a person can conclude logically that there is no God, then they are free to make their own rules or religion and have zero accountability. That would be great if there really was no God, but what happens when this delusion is over and the reality of our Creator is in front of them and they have to answer despite their prior belief?
We talked tonight about what would the motivation be for evolutionists to stick together to a flawed system of belief? Why are they so afraid to debate or answer honestly. Dawkins seemed absolutely annoyed at some basic questions even being asked and pretty much said, talk to the hand, in his body language. Some suggest that it is to protect their power, status, and position. I think in the case of successful writers like Dawkins it would be also their book deals and recognition that would be the hardest to compromise with the ever evolving theologies.
Ben Stein reveals that a crack in the wall of atheism/evolution is so threatening that leading scientists will not even openly admit any obvious flaws in their belief system and they protect it at all costs. He shows pictures of the Berlin wall. I remember when the wall came down. It started with a chip and quickly crumbled. I remember watching it on TV as Pres. Reagan commanded to "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
The threat of freedom is too great for the scientific arena to allow even a chip. My roommate in college had a piece of the wall and she treasured it as a souvenir of the strong will of humanity.
I would be willing to suggest it represents much more than that. It represents the free will God designed in us, intelligently.
My personal conclusion is that Atheism is a religion which men hide behind to avoid facing our Creator. Atheism is a form of false fulfillment, fulfillment meant to come from God. If you convince yourself their is no God, then you try to fulfill yourself....but you are also fooling yourself.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Part 3 "Cut to a Stump"
People often ask how can I be so strong and confident in my faith? I have just had another personal tragedy, my 4th miscarriage at the 3 month mark. Knowing that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever gives me the strength to carry on. I wake up each morning and open my Bible and remind myself that He is my Rock and will never leave me. I have walked away from Him in the past, but He never left me. I have learned over my life that God doesn't change...people do. I have made a conscience choice to follow Him and allow the growth I need to mature and become more like His Son everyday.
Something amazing happened to King Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 4 of Daniel. It was 30 years after Daniel's buddies were saved from the burning furnace. The king had another dream and he asked Daniel to tell him what it meant. "The tree you saw, which was strong , with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the beasts of the field, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds of the air--you, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth. You, O king, saw a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, 'Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground." Daniel 4:20-23
God allows tragedy to strike us that is undeniable. But why? Well, it is impossible to live in this world and not face hardships. Life without pain and sin is Heaven not earth. God uses everything that happens in our lives to grow us and He helps us to overcome whatever we face if we let Him. I love the example of the tree being cut to a stump. King Nebuchadnezzar had an amazing and flourishing kingdom. Historians tell us that Babylon was the richest and most luxuriant Empire of all time. God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to be cut back to a stump, for the purpose of being stripped of disease and grown back into a glorious sight. "The command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules." Daniel 4:26 That is exactly what happened. The king was stripped of almost everything. He finally acknowledged God and praised Him alone. (verse 37)
I have a tree in our yard. This is my favorite tree, a magnolia right outside my bedroom window. Every year we have lived here I have watched it grow and bloom. I take a picture of it in each of the 4 seasons, because it is so beautiful in each one. This is it above when it was in full bloom one spring. We noticed that it was looking sick last year and called the tree guy. He gave me the worst diagnosis, our tree had a soil born virus. The remedy? Cut it down, burn it, and never plant anything there again. I was crushed. I couldn't believe something so beautiful was going to be nothing but a memory. Mike lovingly cut away every branch with the vascular disease. All that was left was a stump and a few branches. It looked dead all fall and winter. Then an amazing thing happened. A few weeks ago we noticed some green growing from the stump!
Little by little we are watching healthy green leaves emerge from the stump and slowly climb up the few branches left. I look forward to the day when I look out my bedroom window again and see my magnolia in its' full and splendid bloom. I have confidence, because I know firsthand that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Nothing is impossible with Him. He wants to grow us all back into the splendor and glory in which we were created.
Something amazing happened to King Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 4 of Daniel. It was 30 years after Daniel's buddies were saved from the burning furnace. The king had another dream and he asked Daniel to tell him what it meant. "The tree you saw, which was strong , with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the beasts of the field, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds of the air--you, O king, are that tree! You have become great and strong; your greatness has grown until it reaches the sky, and your dominion extends to distant parts of the earth. You, O king, saw a messenger, a holy one, coming down from heaven and saying, 'Cut down the tree and destroy it, but leave the stump, bound with iron and bronze, in the grass of the field, while its roots remain in the ground." Daniel 4:20-23
God allows tragedy to strike us that is undeniable. But why? Well, it is impossible to live in this world and not face hardships. Life without pain and sin is Heaven not earth. God uses everything that happens in our lives to grow us and He helps us to overcome whatever we face if we let Him. I love the example of the tree being cut to a stump. King Nebuchadnezzar had an amazing and flourishing kingdom. Historians tell us that Babylon was the richest and most luxuriant Empire of all time. God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar to be cut back to a stump, for the purpose of being stripped of disease and grown back into a glorious sight. "The command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules." Daniel 4:26 That is exactly what happened. The king was stripped of almost everything. He finally acknowledged God and praised Him alone. (verse 37)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Part 2 "Do you know the Rock?"
"In the time of those kings, the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that will never be destroyed, nor will it be left to another people. It will crush all those kingdoms and bring them to an end, but it will itself endure forever. This is the meaning of the vision of the rock cut out of a mountain, but not by human hands-a rock that broke the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver and the gold to pieces." Daniel 2:44-45
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Part 2
This rock represents the kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. This kingdom will fill the whole earth and never be destroyed. Jesus is described over and over in scripture to be the rock, foundation, stone the builders rejected, capstone, the living stone, chief cornerstone, and so on. (see Psalm 118:22-24, 1 Pet 2:4-8, Isaiah 29:16, Matt 21:42-43, Mk 12:10, Lk 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, Ro 9:33 & 10:11)
King Nebuchadnezzar had a terrified him to the point of hysteria. He knew it meant something big and he paid attention. He didn't rest until an explanation was given. God gave Daniel the dream and it's meaning. At the time of the dream only the head of gold, Babylon had been fulfilled. If every single part of the the statue's pretold analogy has been fulfilled up to the toes over a span of 2,600 years then it is logical to assume God will fulfill it to the end as well. I do not know when the end will come, no one does, but I know we are not at the shoulders or belly button, we are under the feet. The Rock is you know Him?
"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Part 2
This rock represents the kingdom of Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ. This kingdom will fill the whole earth and never be destroyed. Jesus is described over and over in scripture to be the rock, foundation, stone the builders rejected, capstone, the living stone, chief cornerstone, and so on. (see Psalm 118:22-24, 1 Pet 2:4-8, Isaiah 29:16, Matt 21:42-43, Mk 12:10, Lk 20:17, Acts 4:11, Eph 2:20, Ro 9:33 & 10:11)
King Nebuchadnezzar had a terrified him to the point of hysteria. He knew it meant something big and he paid attention. He didn't rest until an explanation was given. God gave Daniel the dream and it's meaning. At the time of the dream only the head of gold, Babylon had been fulfilled. If every single part of the the statue's pretold analogy has been fulfilled up to the toes over a span of 2,600 years then it is logical to assume God will fulfill it to the end as well. I do not know when the end will come, no one does, but I know we are not at the shoulders or belly button, we are under the feet. The Rock is you know Him?
"That if you confess with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Part 1 "Neb's dream...interpreted and fulfilled."
Ever feel like some Scripture is over your head or just plain doesn't make any sense? Well, I have, which is why I was reluctant and excited at the same time to study the books of Daniel and Revelation. I am going to post a recap of what I have been studying in small bits so as not to overwhelm, because it is exciting...mind blowing stuff...ENJOY!!!
What started the whole series of events in the time of Daniel was the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had. (Daniel speaking) "You looked, O king, and there before you stood a large statue -an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. Then, the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and gold were broken into pieces at the same time and became chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the huge rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth." Daniel 2:31-35 (NIV)
One of the remarkable things about Daniel recounting this dream to the king is that the king had told no one the dream, but demanded they tell HIM what he saw! Daniel was given the knowledge from God to tell King Neb what he saw and then he told him what it meant.
" This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. You, O king, are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and are that head of gold. After you another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron-for iron breaks and smashes everything-and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw the iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay." Daniel 2:36-43
Okay, so here is the prophetic dream fulfilled up to date....
the HEAD was made of gold, famous ruler was Nebuchadnezzar, historical fulfillment: the Babylonian Empire, 626-539 B.C.
the CHEST was made of silver, famous ruler was Cyrus the Great, historical fulfillment: the Medo-Persian Empire, 539-331 B.C. (the two arms represent the two sides which united to conquer Babylon as the Medes and Persians)
the BELLY and THIGHS were made of bronze, famous ruler Alexander the Great, historical fulfillment: the Grecian Empire, 331-63 B.C.
the LEGS were made of iron, famous rulers were Octavian (Augustus), Tiberious, and Nero, historical fulfillment: the Roman Empire, 63 B.C-A.D. 476
the FEET made of iron and baked clay can be interpreted as the outgrowth of the divided Roman Empire. The toes on the feet may very well represent a political system yet to come. This is the time up to now continuing until Christ's return.
The dream given to Nebuchadnezzar by God, revealed and interpreted by Daniel by God, and perfectly fulfilled to date over the span of 2600 years by God....AWESOME! One of the cool things to me is the representation of the Roman Empire in the legs and feet and how the iron is mixed in the toes. Roman culture is mixed into every culture alive right now. Us for example, our system of laws and democracy, the architecture of our governmental buildings, even our stadiums! As Mike and I have traveled all over Europe together and toured is undeniable that the world as we see it today has evolved from a strong Roman influence. Just look around. We are living in a prophetic fulfilled time with more to come.
What started the whole series of events in the time of Daniel was the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had. (Daniel speaking) "You looked, O king, and there before you stood a large statue -an enormous, dazzling statue, awesome in appearance. The head of the statue was made of pure gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of baked clay. While you were watching, a rock was cut out, but not by human hands. It struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay and smashed them. Then, the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and gold were broken into pieces at the same time and became chaff on a threshing floor in the summer. The wind swept them away without leaving a trace. But the huge rock that struck the statue became a huge mountain and filled the whole earth." Daniel 2:31-35 (NIV)
One of the remarkable things about Daniel recounting this dream to the king is that the king had told no one the dream, but demanded they tell HIM what he saw! Daniel was given the knowledge from God to tell King Neb what he saw and then he told him what it meant.
" This was the dream, and now we will interpret it to the king. You, O king, are the king of kings. The God of heaven has given you dominion and power and might and are that head of gold. After you another kingdom will arise, inferior to yours. Next, a third kingdom, one of bronze, will rule over the whole earth. Finally, there will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron-for iron breaks and smashes everything-and as iron breaks things to pieces, so it will crush and break all the others. Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw the iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay." Daniel 2:36-43
Okay, so here is the prophetic dream fulfilled up to date....
the HEAD was made of gold, famous ruler was Nebuchadnezzar, historical fulfillment: the Babylonian Empire, 626-539 B.C.
the CHEST was made of silver, famous ruler was Cyrus the Great, historical fulfillment: the Medo-Persian Empire, 539-331 B.C. (the two arms represent the two sides which united to conquer Babylon as the Medes and Persians)
the BELLY and THIGHS were made of bronze, famous ruler Alexander the Great, historical fulfillment: the Grecian Empire, 331-63 B.C.
the LEGS were made of iron, famous rulers were Octavian (Augustus), Tiberious, and Nero, historical fulfillment: the Roman Empire, 63 B.C-A.D. 476
the FEET made of iron and baked clay can be interpreted as the outgrowth of the divided Roman Empire. The toes on the feet may very well represent a political system yet to come. This is the time up to now continuing until Christ's return.
The dream given to Nebuchadnezzar by God, revealed and interpreted by Daniel by God, and perfectly fulfilled to date over the span of 2600 years by God....AWESOME! One of the cool things to me is the representation of the Roman Empire in the legs and feet and how the iron is mixed in the toes. Roman culture is mixed into every culture alive right now. Us for example, our system of laws and democracy, the architecture of our governmental buildings, even our stadiums! As Mike and I have traveled all over Europe together and toured is undeniable that the world as we see it today has evolved from a strong Roman influence. Just look around. We are living in a prophetic fulfilled time with more to come.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Standing up to Babylon and against the "god of pop"
This summer I am hosting a Bible study in my home on the book of Daniel. It has been the BEST study I have ever done, personally, and the ladies that are coming are wonderful. We call it "Souper Thursday", because each week we have a different homemade soup before we begin. The fellowship and bonds that we are forming are beautiful, and the prayer support we give each other like no other, but the best part of all is the Word of God made alive for each one of us.
As a Homeschool Mom standing up to our culture is a natural instinct, but this takes it to a whole new level! We are looking at the World, specifically America, with a whole new lens. The recent Michael Jackson hoopla is a wonderful example of modern day Babylonian thinking. The Babylonian creed was and still is, "I am, and there is no other." At his memorial service yesterday it was said that the loss of MJ is so great, and the mourning so profound, that we need for him to comfort us. How can a deceased man comfort you? Only God can do that and by making MJ a god the lie of false fulfillment is produced.
On Dateline afterwards a psychologist who studies the death and impact of celebrities declared just that when she said, "Michael Jackson is no longer the King of Pop, he is now the god of Pop." I, like most of the world, enjoyed and listened to MJ growing up. My brother called me yesterday and asked me if I still had his poster on my wall, because it was selling for $300 on ebay :) I am not against paying tribute to an awesome entertainer. But Michael Jackson is not a god and does not deserve to be worshiped. He was a man living in the same fallen world as you and I. He was a man needing a Savior. There is but ONE TRUE GOD, and I pray Michael knew HIM.
"But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations cannot endure his wrath. Tell them this: 'These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish from the earth and from under the heavens.' But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding. " Jeremiah 10:10-12
As a Homeschool Mom standing up to our culture is a natural instinct, but this takes it to a whole new level! We are looking at the World, specifically America, with a whole new lens. The recent Michael Jackson hoopla is a wonderful example of modern day Babylonian thinking. The Babylonian creed was and still is, "I am, and there is no other." At his memorial service yesterday it was said that the loss of MJ is so great, and the mourning so profound, that we need for him to comfort us. How can a deceased man comfort you? Only God can do that and by making MJ a god the lie of false fulfillment is produced.
On Dateline afterwards a psychologist who studies the death and impact of celebrities declared just that when she said, "Michael Jackson is no longer the King of Pop, he is now the god of Pop." I, like most of the world, enjoyed and listened to MJ growing up. My brother called me yesterday and asked me if I still had his poster on my wall, because it was selling for $300 on ebay :) I am not against paying tribute to an awesome entertainer. But Michael Jackson is not a god and does not deserve to be worshiped. He was a man living in the same fallen world as you and I. He was a man needing a Savior. There is but ONE TRUE GOD, and I pray Michael knew HIM.
"But the LORD is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. When he is angry, the earth trembles; the nations cannot endure his wrath. Tell them this: 'These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish from the earth and from under the heavens.' But God made the earth by his power; he founded the world by his wisdom and stretched out the heavens by his understanding. " Jeremiah 10:10-12
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Why do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
That is the age old question. I know for me personally, that is a question I have asked and a question family and friends have asked as they have watched us go through 3 miscarriages. In January of this year I studied the book of Job looking for that answer. What I learned was that bad things do absolutely happen to even the best of people. Job was one of those people. He was successful, wealthy, respected, and blessed. He loved the Lord with all his heart and was a faithful follower. The enemy challenged God to allow him to test his faithfulness. He reasoned that Job was only a loyal follower because he was blessed, but just allow a little adversity and he would turn on God. God, being all knowing, saw the whole picture and knew that no matter what the enemy could dish out would not compare to Job's love and devotion. Job never cursed God and he controlled his tongue.
I was fascinated by that. I have a very hard time controlling my tongue with a stubbed toe, yet here was Job who went from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the pit. Why do bad things happen to good people? Well here are a few of my beliefs on the subject. You can respectfully disagree with some or all of them, but I pray it helps you can read them with an open mind and trust the God who created you understanding why we are all subjected to pain and trials.
We live in an imperfect world ushered in by Adam and Eve's original sin of rebellion in the garden.God is all powerful, can heal sickness, disease, and reverse even death.
God's will is not sickness and disease, but He does allows it sometimes and works through us while we are in it.
We would not know the height of joy if we never experienced the sting of pain.
Miscarriage may hurt and be difficult, but a life now exists in heaven that did not before.
God calls us to trust Him through everything, not just when it goes well for us.
God uses every circumstance and trial we go through to touch others around us.
He cares about every single tear you shed and wants to comfort you.
If He allows it...there is a reason.
These are beliefs I have learned by walking closely with the Lord and trusting matter what. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I will praise Him continually.
I love this definition of "providence" by Harper's Bible Dictionary:
Providence- God's has a plan and purpose for his world. Providence is not a principle of orderliness or reason; rather, providence is the will of the Creator who is actively involved in moving his creation to a goal. History is not a cyclical process of endless repetition; history is being moved toward the predetermined end.
I was fascinated by that. I have a very hard time controlling my tongue with a stubbed toe, yet here was Job who went from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the pit. Why do bad things happen to good people? Well here are a few of my beliefs on the subject. You can respectfully disagree with some or all of them, but I pray it helps you can read them with an open mind and trust the God who created you understanding why we are all subjected to pain and trials.
We live in an imperfect world ushered in by Adam and Eve's original sin of rebellion in the garden.God is all powerful, can heal sickness, disease, and reverse even death.
God's will is not sickness and disease, but He does allows it sometimes and works through us while we are in it.
We would not know the height of joy if we never experienced the sting of pain.
Miscarriage may hurt and be difficult, but a life now exists in heaven that did not before.
God calls us to trust Him through everything, not just when it goes well for us.
God uses every circumstance and trial we go through to touch others around us.
He cares about every single tear you shed and wants to comfort you.
If He allows it...there is a reason.
These are beliefs I have learned by walking closely with the Lord and trusting matter what. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I will praise Him continually.
I love this definition of "providence" by Harper's Bible Dictionary:
Providence- God's has a plan and purpose for his world. Providence is not a principle of orderliness or reason; rather, providence is the will of the Creator who is actively involved in moving his creation to a goal. History is not a cyclical process of endless repetition; history is being moved toward the predetermined end.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Mike's Graduation
"Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him." James 1:12
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
"Trusting God During Difficult times"-devotional
"For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." Psalm 100:5 (NIV)
Horrified, I placed the phone back in its charger. My mind reeled. What could I say to one of my dearest friends after this new tragedy had struck? First, she experienced the loss of a fourteen-year-old son to brain cancer. Now her eldest son, only eighteen, had been discovered mugged and murdered. Incomprehensible.She asked, "Why?" I had no answer other than, "I don't know, but I cling to the factual knowledge that God is good, regardless. Tragedies in this life are beyond our understanding this side of heaven."I believe Jesus is good, and that knowledge sings from the depths of my soul. This nugget of truth is more precious than life itself to me. We have been taught and recognize that faith is not something we can necessarily see, hear, feel, taste, or touch. It is stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting God—regardless of how we feel emotionally.
The Bible explains, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).The true story of Horatio G. Spafford demonstrates this type of faith in God's goodness. Spafford wrote the familiar hymn, "It is Well with My Soul" in 1872 after his four daughters drowned, soon after his own financial bankruptcy. He, somehow, held onto the fact that despite the outward circumstances, God was good. He wrote, "And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight." He knew that his faith was not in vain, and that someday he would see the meaning and purpose of all the tragedy surrounding his life at that moment.For myself I think my greatest lesson of faith has been in the acknowledgement that God is good—all the time. Oswald Chambers wrote, "Faith by its very nature must be tested and tried. And the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God's character must be proven trustworthy in our own minds."There will always be moments of uncertainty. I find comfort in the words written by David Jeremiah in My Heart's Desire:
You may sometimes feel awkward and uncomfortable, and find yourself saying, "Is this really true? I don't see anything in it. I don't hear God's voice. I don't feel His presence." There are days like that for all of us. The pursuit of God has no shortcuts. You simply must keep walking, keep seeking, and keep yearning. Keep at it, and you won't be disappointed. God is good, even as I mourn with my friend. I have witnessed her grief, anger, and doubt. But throughout the passing months, I have watched her cling to Jesus with hands wet with tears. My friend believes God is good all the time even when she can't feel it with her emotions. Her faith rests in the fact, "The Lord is good and his love endures forever."Dear Lord, grant me the faith to know that You are good all the time, even during the most difficult circumstances of this life. When I am weak, lift me up. Enable me to accept the love and comfort from others who love me, but let me rely on Your everlasting love for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Application Steps: Memorize one of the Power Verses below to repeat and remind yourself of God's goodness during difficult times in your life.
Reflections:What situations in my life do I feel are out of my faith-comfort zone? Do I believe that God is good all the time?
Power Verses:
Psalms 91:2, "I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."(NIV)
Deuteronomy 31:8, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (NIV)
Psalms 27:5, "For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock." (NIV)
Devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries and written by Susanne Scheppmann.
Horrified, I placed the phone back in its charger. My mind reeled. What could I say to one of my dearest friends after this new tragedy had struck? First, she experienced the loss of a fourteen-year-old son to brain cancer. Now her eldest son, only eighteen, had been discovered mugged and murdered. Incomprehensible.She asked, "Why?" I had no answer other than, "I don't know, but I cling to the factual knowledge that God is good, regardless. Tragedies in this life are beyond our understanding this side of heaven."I believe Jesus is good, and that knowledge sings from the depths of my soul. This nugget of truth is more precious than life itself to me. We have been taught and recognize that faith is not something we can necessarily see, hear, feel, taste, or touch. It is stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting God—regardless of how we feel emotionally.
The Bible explains, "Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" (Hebrews 11:1, NIV).The true story of Horatio G. Spafford demonstrates this type of faith in God's goodness. Spafford wrote the familiar hymn, "It is Well with My Soul" in 1872 after his four daughters drowned, soon after his own financial bankruptcy. He, somehow, held onto the fact that despite the outward circumstances, God was good. He wrote, "And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight." He knew that his faith was not in vain, and that someday he would see the meaning and purpose of all the tragedy surrounding his life at that moment.For myself I think my greatest lesson of faith has been in the acknowledgement that God is good—all the time. Oswald Chambers wrote, "Faith by its very nature must be tested and tried. And the real trial of faith is not that we find it difficult to trust God, but that God's character must be proven trustworthy in our own minds."There will always be moments of uncertainty. I find comfort in the words written by David Jeremiah in My Heart's Desire:
You may sometimes feel awkward and uncomfortable, and find yourself saying, "Is this really true? I don't see anything in it. I don't hear God's voice. I don't feel His presence." There are days like that for all of us. The pursuit of God has no shortcuts. You simply must keep walking, keep seeking, and keep yearning. Keep at it, and you won't be disappointed. God is good, even as I mourn with my friend. I have witnessed her grief, anger, and doubt. But throughout the passing months, I have watched her cling to Jesus with hands wet with tears. My friend believes God is good all the time even when she can't feel it with her emotions. Her faith rests in the fact, "The Lord is good and his love endures forever."Dear Lord, grant me the faith to know that You are good all the time, even during the most difficult circumstances of this life. When I am weak, lift me up. Enable me to accept the love and comfort from others who love me, but let me rely on Your everlasting love for me. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Application Steps: Memorize one of the Power Verses below to repeat and remind yourself of God's goodness during difficult times in your life.
Reflections:What situations in my life do I feel are out of my faith-comfort zone? Do I believe that God is good all the time?
Power Verses:
Psalms 91:2, "I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust."(NIV)
Deuteronomy 31:8, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (NIV)
Psalms 27:5, "For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock." (NIV)
Devotional from Proverbs 31 Ministries and written by Susanne Scheppmann.
Friday, May 8, 2009
RECIPE: Homemade Crackers
Homemade Wheat Thins RECIPE:
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/4 cup milled flax seed
1/4 cup wheat germ
2 tsp. sugar
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp. coconut oil
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 tsp. Oregano
Mix the dough until it forms a sticky ball. Split the dough into 4 pieces and press each piece through the lasagna noodle press form. Fold in half and roll through again. Fold in the sides and edges and keep rolling it through the press until you have a shape you like. Sprinkle with garlic salt and gently press the salt into the dough. Taking a pizza cutter or cookie cutters make your shapes, put onto a cookie sheet, and bake for 8-10 minutes at 395 degrees.
For sweet crackers use the same dough, omitting the olive oil and oregano. Add 2 Tbsp. of honey and sprinkle with cinnamon sugar after each pass in the press to keep the dough from becoming to sticky. Cut the same way with a pizza cutter and bake at 395 degrees for 8-10 minutes.
Cool all crackers on a cooling rack and store in ziplock bags or canisters.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Mike's last day of Law School...
Today was a celebration for our family. Mike took his "final" final exam this afternoon. He has worked very hard the past 8 semesters and has officially completed Law School. He has cleaned out his locker and all that is left is to walk the stage and receive his diploma May 23rd. If we look back to Aug of 2005 when he began this journey it was a very different picture.
Mike was adjusting to the lay off at American Airlines and was settling in to his job with the law firm. He looked ahead and saw to really get ahead would take a degree in law. He put one foot in front of the other and we focused on one 13 week semester at a time. When we discussed the future of our family and the needs in the present we weighed the pros and cons. Mike asked me for 4 years of firm support and we decided to proceed together. I was worried, about the workload and ability to balance a full time job with higher education. I was 37 weeks pregnant with Gabe when he started his first day of class. I was worried about being able to personally handle and homeschool four children with a very overloaded husband. It wasn't all rosey and sweet. I had my meltdown moments and at times Mike was easily irritated by toys on the floor and dished piled in the sink. We also endured 3 very difficult pregnancies (2 ending in miscarriage) during this season. And don't forget for Shelby's pregnancy I was on bedrest from 16 weeks till I delivered her. Talk about stress.
We have really persevered as a family. Mike's accomplishment swells up pride in my heart for his determination, and it also brings me joy for our family unity. Mike and I have claimed several scriptures from the book of James in the past few years. This is one that is especially dear to me today:
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4
It is hard to consider it pure joy when you are going through it, but I promise you when you are on the other is PURE JOY!
Mike's Dad and Brother bought him a new riding lawnmower for a Graduation present!
Mike was adjusting to the lay off at American Airlines and was settling in to his job with the law firm. He looked ahead and saw to really get ahead would take a degree in law. He put one foot in front of the other and we focused on one 13 week semester at a time. When we discussed the future of our family and the needs in the present we weighed the pros and cons. Mike asked me for 4 years of firm support and we decided to proceed together. I was worried, about the workload and ability to balance a full time job with higher education. I was 37 weeks pregnant with Gabe when he started his first day of class. I was worried about being able to personally handle and homeschool four children with a very overloaded husband. It wasn't all rosey and sweet. I had my meltdown moments and at times Mike was easily irritated by toys on the floor and dished piled in the sink. We also endured 3 very difficult pregnancies (2 ending in miscarriage) during this season. And don't forget for Shelby's pregnancy I was on bedrest from 16 weeks till I delivered her. Talk about stress.
We have really persevered as a family. Mike's accomplishment swells up pride in my heart for his determination, and it also brings me joy for our family unity. Mike and I have claimed several scriptures from the book of James in the past few years. This is one that is especially dear to me today:
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4
It is hard to consider it pure joy when you are going through it, but I promise you when you are on the other is PURE JOY!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Strong Will vs. Strong Won't
"The diligent hand will rule, but laziness will lead to forced labor." PROVERBS 12:24
"Each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." Hebrews 6:11-12
We need to make clear the difference between diligence and obstinacy. When asked to clarify the difference between perseverance and obstinance, a student wrote: "One is a strong WILL and the other is a strong WON'T."Diligence is dogged perseverance; obstinacy is dogged inflexibility and self-will.
A man whose life was full of promise as far as the Christian ministry was concerned now spends his days in depression because he did not know the difference between these two things. He set out on a project that he thought was God"s will for him, and when things started to go wrong, instead of checking his guidance, he continued to press on and ended up in failure.
Those who loved him, and were more objective, urged him to give up as what he was doing was clearly not the will of God. However, he did not have the wisdom to realize that what he was doing was not being diligent but obstinate. Now he lives in perpetual disillusionment.
When Jesus came to Calvary, He said, "I have glorified You on the earth by completing the work You gave Me to do" (Jn 17:4). Note the word "You."There were many who would have liked Jesus to do this and that, to go here and go there, but He did only what the Father required Him to do. Saying "yes" to God"s will and pursuing it is diligence.
Saying "yes" to a thing that is not God"s will and pursuing that is obstinacy. We had better learn the difference.
Daily PrayerFather, I see how important it is to be clear about these two issues. Help me differentiate between diligence and obstinacy so that at the end of my time here on earth I, too, will be able to say, "I have finished the work which You have given me to do." Amen.
(from "Everyday with Jesus" Devotional Series)
"Each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, in order to make your hope sure. We do not want you to become lazy, but to imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised." Hebrews 6:11-12
We need to make clear the difference between diligence and obstinacy. When asked to clarify the difference between perseverance and obstinance, a student wrote: "One is a strong WILL and the other is a strong WON'T."Diligence is dogged perseverance; obstinacy is dogged inflexibility and self-will.
A man whose life was full of promise as far as the Christian ministry was concerned now spends his days in depression because he did not know the difference between these two things. He set out on a project that he thought was God"s will for him, and when things started to go wrong, instead of checking his guidance, he continued to press on and ended up in failure.
Those who loved him, and were more objective, urged him to give up as what he was doing was clearly not the will of God. However, he did not have the wisdom to realize that what he was doing was not being diligent but obstinate. Now he lives in perpetual disillusionment.
When Jesus came to Calvary, He said, "I have glorified You on the earth by completing the work You gave Me to do" (Jn 17:4). Note the word "You."There were many who would have liked Jesus to do this and that, to go here and go there, but He did only what the Father required Him to do. Saying "yes" to God"s will and pursuing it is diligence.
Saying "yes" to a thing that is not God"s will and pursuing that is obstinacy. We had better learn the difference.
Daily PrayerFather, I see how important it is to be clear about these two issues. Help me differentiate between diligence and obstinacy so that at the end of my time here on earth I, too, will be able to say, "I have finished the work which You have given me to do." Amen.
(from "Everyday with Jesus" Devotional Series)
Monday, May 4, 2009
Lindsey & Briana hostessed a Mother's Day Tea
Caroline brought yummy brownies and Renee made us her famous apple cheesecake.
Shelby felt like a big girl and loved sipping tea from her own china teacup.
Shelli's girls: Lindsey, Shelby, and Briana
Katie's girls: Caroline, Adeline, and Clementine
Donna's girls: Renee, Ecaterina, and Aunt Geneva
The girls did all the work, clean up, and even made us each a card. Lindsey choose a Bible verse dedicated to mothers and prayed for our meal. They cleaned the house before the event, made place cards for each guest, personal menus, and Briana even made a music playlist for us to listen to while we had tea. Katie, Donna, and I felt very appreciated and are looking forward to next year's tea :)
I did help a little bit....I made scones for the first time ever. After living in England for 3 years I have always been afraid to make them. Most people I have talked to who have tried them say they turn out like frisbees. I did want to try it and I got really luckywith my first recipe! I adapted the recipe by adding yogurt instead of sour cream and half & half instead of milk. They were the best scones EVER!!! So you will be as sucessful as I was the first time, I will share my secrets with you!
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 cup white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup dried cranberries and raisins
1/2 cup half and half
1/4 cup plain yogurt
1 3/4 cups all-purpose flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 cup white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/2 cup dried cranberries and raisins
1/2 cup half and half
1/4 cup plain yogurt
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Sift the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a large bowl. Cut in butter using a pastry blender or rubbing between your fingers until it is in pea sized lumps. Stir in the cranberries and raisins. Mix together 1/2 cup half and half and 1/4 cup yogurt in a measuring cup. Pour all at once into the dry ingredients, and stir gently until well blended. Overworking the dough results in terrible scones!
With floured hands, pat scone dough into balls 2 to 3 inches across, depending on what size you want. Place onto a greased baking sheet, and flatten lightly. Let the scones barely touch each other. Sprinkle the scones with crystal sugar. Let them rest for about 10 minutes.
Bake for 10 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until the tops are golden brown, not deep brown. Break each scone apart, or slice in half. Serve with butter or clotted cream and a selection of jams - or even plain.
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.
Sift the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt into a large bowl. Cut in butter using a pastry blender or rubbing between your fingers until it is in pea sized lumps. Stir in the cranberries and raisins. Mix together 1/2 cup half and half and 1/4 cup yogurt in a measuring cup. Pour all at once into the dry ingredients, and stir gently until well blended. Overworking the dough results in terrible scones!
With floured hands, pat scone dough into balls 2 to 3 inches across, depending on what size you want. Place onto a greased baking sheet, and flatten lightly. Let the scones barely touch each other. Sprinkle the scones with crystal sugar. Let them rest for about 10 minutes.
Bake for 10 to 15 minutes in the preheated oven, until the tops are golden brown, not deep brown. Break each scone apart, or slice in half. Serve with butter or clotted cream and a selection of jams - or even plain.
Devotional- "It's no Secret"
"God, save me by Your name... For strangers rise up against me... They have no regard for God." PSALM 54:1, 3
The more disillusioned we are with the world, the more motivated we will be to pursue the Christian way. If we are not willing to face the reality that we live in a fallen world, that the latest invention is not going to bring us Utopia, that possessions fail to give any lasting happiness, then we are not going to move along the rugged road of faith with a steady tread.
My favorite word to summarize the message of this, the first of the Songs of Ascents, is renunciation. The psalmist seems to have made a decision to move away from the lies he has heard, and we too must make a similar decision. We must renounce lies such as that human beings are basically good, we are not responsible for the way we are, we can find happiness independently of God.
The truth of God does not begin to dawn upon us until we realize that what we have assumed was the truth - that we are the masters of our fate - is in fact a lie. It is painful to admit that we have been taken in by the world's lies, but until we accept that we have and confess it, we are not ready to move on into all that God has for us.
If the psalmist were writing today, he might have worded his prayer like this: "Save me, O Lord, from the lies of those who think they know the answer to life but don't."We must discover that before we can say "yes" to God we must first learn to say "no" to the world.
Daily Prayer:
Father, I would make the prayer of the psalmist my prayer also. Rescue me from those who would represent the world to me in terms that are not entirely true. I turn from the untrue to the True. Help me dear Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
The more disillusioned we are with the world, the more motivated we will be to pursue the Christian way. If we are not willing to face the reality that we live in a fallen world, that the latest invention is not going to bring us Utopia, that possessions fail to give any lasting happiness, then we are not going to move along the rugged road of faith with a steady tread.
My favorite word to summarize the message of this, the first of the Songs of Ascents, is renunciation. The psalmist seems to have made a decision to move away from the lies he has heard, and we too must make a similar decision. We must renounce lies such as that human beings are basically good, we are not responsible for the way we are, we can find happiness independently of God.
The truth of God does not begin to dawn upon us until we realize that what we have assumed was the truth - that we are the masters of our fate - is in fact a lie. It is painful to admit that we have been taken in by the world's lies, but until we accept that we have and confess it, we are not ready to move on into all that God has for us.
If the psalmist were writing today, he might have worded his prayer like this: "Save me, O Lord, from the lies of those who think they know the answer to life but don't."We must discover that before we can say "yes" to God we must first learn to say "no" to the world.
Daily Prayer:
Father, I would make the prayer of the psalmist my prayer also. Rescue me from those who would represent the world to me in terms that are not entirely true. I turn from the untrue to the True. Help me dear Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Devotional- "Speaking Truth"
"Whoever speaks the truth declares what is right, but a false witness, deceit." PROVERBS 12:17
Both we and the universe are made for integrity, and both the universe and we are alien to untruth and dishonesty. The whole thrust of the universe which God designed and created is simple, uncomplicated, and built on truth. There are great mysteries, of course, but no lies. Scientific laws are upheld by truth. Gravity, for example, will not lie; it is as true in one country as it is in another, as reliable in Jerusalem as it is in Japan.
It has often been pointed out that the word "evil" is the word "live" spelled backwards. Satan delights to take what God does and try to reverse it - to move life in the opposite way to that in which it was designed to go. Satan is a liar (Jn 8:44), and lies are always roundabout, complicated, and deceiving.
The fact that the universe is built on truth can be verified by the simple device known as a "lie detector."The lie detector test works on the basis that people who tell lies and know they are telling lies become extremely anxious and uncomfortable, and this anxiety is then picked up by the machine. But why does telling a lie make a person anxious?
Because we are built for truth, and any departure from it registers on the inside in a way that can be picked up on the outside.
A lie detector is not infallible and can sometimes (though not often) be fooled. But what cannot be fooled is the soul of the person who is lying. The worst thing about being a liar is to be the person telling the lie.
Daily Prayer: Father, help me lay hold of the fact that a lie demeans me, but the truth develops me. I cannot live successfully by a lie any more than I can fling myself out of the window and defy gravity. May I be a person of truth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
(from "Everyday with Jesus" Devotional Series)
Both we and the universe are made for integrity, and both the universe and we are alien to untruth and dishonesty. The whole thrust of the universe which God designed and created is simple, uncomplicated, and built on truth. There are great mysteries, of course, but no lies. Scientific laws are upheld by truth. Gravity, for example, will not lie; it is as true in one country as it is in another, as reliable in Jerusalem as it is in Japan.
It has often been pointed out that the word "evil" is the word "live" spelled backwards. Satan delights to take what God does and try to reverse it - to move life in the opposite way to that in which it was designed to go. Satan is a liar (Jn 8:44), and lies are always roundabout, complicated, and deceiving.
The fact that the universe is built on truth can be verified by the simple device known as a "lie detector."The lie detector test works on the basis that people who tell lies and know they are telling lies become extremely anxious and uncomfortable, and this anxiety is then picked up by the machine. But why does telling a lie make a person anxious?
Because we are built for truth, and any departure from it registers on the inside in a way that can be picked up on the outside.
A lie detector is not infallible and can sometimes (though not often) be fooled. But what cannot be fooled is the soul of the person who is lying. The worst thing about being a liar is to be the person telling the lie.
Daily Prayer: Father, help me lay hold of the fact that a lie demeans me, but the truth develops me. I cannot live successfully by a lie any more than I can fling myself out of the window and defy gravity. May I be a person of truth. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
(from "Everyday with Jesus" Devotional Series)
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Second Saturday Sisters
Gentleness, me....really? I was asked by our Women's Ministry to speak this Saturday. This month's topic is the fruit of the Spirit: gentleness. I almost said NOOOOO WAY...but Zenice is so sweet and looked so excited I couldn't refuse. Well actually I said, "I'll pray about it and let ya know." The next few days God did a work in me and showed me what gentleness is all about and that this trait can only come from Him when it comes to me! If you are interested in my testimony I will be sharing it this Saturday, May 9th, at Woodstock Assembly of God at 8:30am in the chapel.
RECIPE: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup
3 large sliced carrots
3 sliced celery stalks
1 med onion diced
1 tsp. minced garlic
cooked chicken pulled from bone (you can cheat w/a rotisserie chicken from the store)
6-8 cups water
4 cubes of chicken bullion
1 package thin egg noodles
1 tsp. each of garlic salt, pepper, garlic powder, poultry seasoning, parsley, and celery salt
1 large can Chicken broth
Saute the carrot, celery, onion, and garlic in olive oil until tender. Add the water to fill 3/4 of your pot. Put the cut chicken into the water with the bullion/broth and boil for 1 hour. Add the spices and noodles and cook for 20 more minutes. Enjoy.
3 sliced celery stalks
1 med onion diced
1 tsp. minced garlic
cooked chicken pulled from bone (you can cheat w/a rotisserie chicken from the store)
6-8 cups water
4 cubes of chicken bullion
1 package thin egg noodles
1 tsp. each of garlic salt, pepper, garlic powder, poultry seasoning, parsley, and celery salt
1 large can Chicken broth
Saute the carrot, celery, onion, and garlic in olive oil until tender. Add the water to fill 3/4 of your pot. Put the cut chicken into the water with the bullion/broth and boil for 1 hour. Add the spices and noodles and cook for 20 more minutes. Enjoy.
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