I do not know why it has been so bad lately, maybe the winter weather, the holidays are over, or plain old boredom, but several of the kids (the middle 3) have been fighting non stop for several weeks now. Sweet darling children that once played legos quietly together have turned into fighting-picking-tattling monsters and mommy is sick of it! I have decided that if we are going to keep the cereal portion police and spoon size regulation between sibs then I am going to gain a clean house, too. Yesterday I made a list of every chore I could think of, especially ones they hate to do and posted them for all to see on the fridge. I explained to them that anytime I heard one of them fighting, being rude or making up a rule that doesn't really exist (like you can't watch me play Wii unless it's your birthday) they would receive a job. Oh they tested me, I returned the infraction with a smile, a chore and the reverse psychology of "keep it up, I mean it, I need someone to sort laundry!!!!" Even while we were out last night I was using the 'job assignment' threat to keep them from running the aisles at Sam's Club. It was quite effective! By the end of the day we had NO fighting and I even overheard Gabe tell Shelby he loved her. So today I am torn: do I want them to fight so we get some socks matched or do I want them getting along? I think I will just wait and see what challenges today brings!