Well, I did it! I officially turned 37. For some strange reason it seems much older than 36 did! I have been dreading it for months and the day finally arrived. I awoke to kids singing happy birthday with a candle in my whipped cream and waffle. I rushed off to a meeting a church. I followed that by organizing a delivery of rummage sale items from the Woodstock Boy Scouts and settled on the couch for a quick nap while Mike took the kids to Walmart for my birthday dinner with friends supplies.
Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, actually it felt very comfortable and calm. Just the way a suburbanite stay at home mommy should spend her birthday. Except for one problem.....I see things from a Biblical perspective! It permeates everything I do, affects my moods, my emotions, and why I breath in and out.
Mike asked me what I wanted to do today and I filled in the details. I wanted to be with my family, I wanted to serve my church, I wanted to help the community, and I wanted to watch "Expelled" with my friends. Why in the world would I want all that? Shouldn't MY birthday be all about ME? If I have learned anything about myself in the last 37 years it is that I am happiest when I think of others first. I am happiest when I serve others, and I learn most when I listen to others and try to understand what their motivations are and what is their hearts.
That is why I wanted to watch "Expelled". I am fascinated and perplexed at why a million people would buy "The God Delusion" and conclude that it is correct. I want to understand what is to gain from a person choosing to reject God and accept the religion of atheism. If I am wrong I have lived a good life, serving others, having purpose, and joy. If the anti-god movement is wrong there is alot more at stake, for future generations....and for all eternity. Not to mention that many of my atheist friends are depressed, living in darkness, addiction, and despair.
There were many things I took from the movie. The freedom of questioning and investigating science is shrinking. That is undeniable. It is one of the reasons we homeschool and one of the reasons we are attacked for it. I teach my children other beliefs on the origin of life, I feel it is very important for them to know why we believe the way we do and to help them answer life's important questions. I have found that when I am not afraid to look I will find more answers than questions.
I also was left with the realization that If a person can conclude logically that there is no God, then they are free to make their own rules or religion and have zero accountability. That would be great if there really was no God, but what happens when this delusion is over and the reality of our Creator is in front of them and they have to answer despite their prior belief?
We talked tonight about what would the motivation be for evolutionists to stick together to a flawed system of belief? Why are they so afraid to debate or answer honestly. Dawkins seemed absolutely annoyed at some basic questions even being asked and pretty much said, talk to the hand, in his body language. Some suggest that it is to protect their power, status, and position. I think in the case of successful writers like Dawkins it would be also their book deals and recognition that would be the hardest to compromise with the ever evolving theologies.
Ben Stein reveals that a crack in the wall of atheism/evolution is so threatening that leading scientists will not even openly admit any obvious flaws in their belief system and they protect it at all costs. He shows pictures of the Berlin wall. I remember when the wall came down. It started with a chip and quickly crumbled. I remember watching it on TV as Pres. Reagan commanded to "Mr Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
The threat of freedom is too great for the scientific arena to allow even a chip. My roommate in college had a piece of the wall and she treasured it as a souvenir of the strong will of humanity.
I would be willing to suggest it represents much more than that. It represents the free will God designed in us, intelligently.
My personal conclusion is that Atheism is a religion which men hide behind to avoid facing our Creator. Atheism is a form of false fulfillment, fulfillment meant to come from God. If you convince yourself their is no God, then you try to fulfill yourself....but you are also fooling yourself.